Tanohata Village Tsunami Experience Storyteller & Guide

Tanohata Village


Tanohata Village Tsunami Experience Storyteller & Guide

・Convey the enormity of the damage caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the difficulty of being unable to carry on with daily life. Raise awareness of disaster prevention.
・Convey how residents themselves are working to remove rubble and restart fishing as soon as possible despite the disaster.
・Convey tips for thinking about support for recovery that can be done in the city and the importance of continuing that support.

basic information

Access: 30 minutes by car from Sanriku Railway Tanohata Station

Contact: NPO Experience Village/Tanohata Network (129-10 Kitayama, Tanohata Village, Kitayamazaki Visitor Center)

Phone number: 0194-37-1211


Homepage: http://www.tanohata-taiken.jp

Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Tsunami experience storyteller & guide Information on the situation in the coastal areas affected by the massive tsunami of the 2011.3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake. How did they evacuate on that day, including the voices of local residents? Afterwards, we will report on the residents’ efforts toward reconstruction. Use before and after disaster photos at the scene. All year round 2 people ~ 2 hours 15,000 yen (price per guide/up to 15 people)