About Linking to this Website

Linking Policy

In general, you are free to link to this website. If you choose to do so, please provide us with the URL, the name of the entity operating the website (corporation or individual), telephone number, email address, and the duration for which the link will be set up to info@iwatetabi.jp. Links from the following types of websites are not permitted.

  1. Those that violate public order and morals
  2. Those associated with criminal activity
  3. Those that infringe on the copyrights of third parties, etc.
  4. Those that infringe on the property, privacy, etc. of a third party, etc.
  5. Others that violate the law
  6. Those that defame or slander a third party
  7. Those associated with pre-election campaigns, election campaigns, or similar activities that violate the Public Offices Election Act
  8. Others that are deemed inappropriate

Link Banner

Please use the web banner below if using a web banner.