Municipal Yuda Ski Resort

Nishiwaga Town

Southern Iwate

This slope is fun for beginners, intermediate skiers, and families. The abundant snow and powder snow is perfect for trial skiing. There is also a hot spring bathing facility next to the rest house, so you can enjoy the hot springs after skiing. [Lift operating hours] 9:00-16:00

029-5506 Yunosawa, Nishiwaga-cho, Waga-gun, Iwate Prefecture
Business Hours
Mid-December to mid-March
Monday (open during winter school holidays) December 31st
Yes *Ticket type
Route 1: Kitakami Station → [40 minutes on the conventional line] Hottoyuda Station → [7 minutes by bus] Kawajiri Line Yuda Ski Resort bus stop → [1 minute walk] Town Yuda Ski Resort

Route 2: Yuda IC → [7 minutes by car] Municipal Yuda Ski Resort
Yuda Ski Resort
Phone number 0197-82-2410
For inquiries other than winter, contact: Nishiwaga Town Board of Education, Lifelong Learning Division TEL: 0197-82-2045

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