Goishi coast hole boat (small boat excursion)

Ofunato City


Goishi coast hole boat (small boat excursion)

Take a tour of the Goishi Coast, a scenic spot representing the Sanriku Coast, on a small sightseeing boat (6 to 8 passengers). If the conditions are good, you can pass through the hole at Anadori Iso.

basic information

Access: 15 minutes by car from Ofunato Goishikaigan IC on the Sanriku Coastal Road

Contact: Goishi Coast Information Center (Goishi Coast Area, Suesaki-cho, Ofunato City)

Phone number: 0192-29-2359


Homepage: http://goishi.info/anatoshisen/

Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Goishi Coastal Boat (Small Pleasure Boat) Sightseeing around Goishi Coast on a small sightseeing boat June to November 2-24 people Approximately 40 minutes (When 2 or more people are on board) 2,000 yen per person, 1,000 yen for children

learning effect

You can see the beauty of nature and realize the greatness and splendor of nature.

message to teacher

Ofunato is coming!