Yakushi-do Hall is located near Izawa Castle, the military headquarters. According to the Yasunaga Fudoki, the main hall with three rooms and four sides enshrined Yakushi Nyorai, a seated statue of Yakushi Nyorai, which was about 2 feet tall and 5 inches tall. The hot spring that gushed out next to Yakushido was named Yakushido Onsen. The hot springs are effective against neuralgia, sensitivity to cold, chronic skin diseases, and chronic women's diseases.
- Address
- 27 Yakushido, Mizusawa Sakurakawa, Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture 023-0003
- Hot spring facilities and services
- Day-trip Bathing Available
- Business Hours
- 5:00-21:00 (Reception until 20:00)
- Access
- Route 1: Mizusawa-Esashi Station → [28 minutes by bus] Get off at Yakushido Onsen bus (change bus at Mizusawa Station) → [Walk] Yakushido Onsen
Route 2: Mizusawa IC → [15 minutes by car] Yakushido Onsen - Inquiries
- Contact name: Yakushido Onsen
Phone number: 0197-23-4126
FAX number: 0197-23-3668 - Other
- Adults 800 yen, elementary school students 400 yen