Ono health hot water

Hirono Town

Northern Iwate

Located at the back of Ono campus, you can enjoy it on a day trip. There is a vibra bath, an ultrasonic bath, a herbal medicinal bath, a cold bath, and an authentic Finnish sauna, and the view of the vast meadow from the window will fill your body and soul with a sense of freedom.

56-78-30 Ohno, Hirono-cho, Kunohe-gun, Iwate Prefecture
Day-trip Bathing Available
Business Hours
10:00-22:00 (May-October)
10:00-21:00 (November-April)
December 31
Route 1: Ninohe Station → [110 minutes by bus] Industrial Design Center bus stop → [5 minutes on foot] Ono Healthy Bath

Route 2: Kunohe IC → [20 minutes by car] Ono Healthy Bath
Contact name: Ono Onsen Healthy Water
Phone number: 0194-77-2717
Adult 420 yen
Elementary school students 210 yen (free for infants)

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