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Prefectural Children’s Center Iwate Children’s Forest

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Prefectural Children’s Center Iwate Children’s Forest

Ichinohe Town

Northern Iwate

Tomoko Horiuchi

Kuzumaki Kogen Ice Cream

Kuzumaki Kogen Ice Cream

Kuzumaki Town

Central Iwate

Iwate trip: Chusonji Temple

Iwate trip: Chusonji Temple

Ofunato Hospitality Team*

Ofunato City


Aneyoshi Campsite (*day trip only)

Aneyoshi Campsite (*day trip only)

Miyako City


Mountain grape wine factory

Mountain grape wine factory

Kuzumaki Town

Central Iwate

[Iwate Enjoyment Model Course] History Course

[Iwate Enjoyment Model Course] History Course

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Creative experience《Encounter with traditional techniques and craftsmen》

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate