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Nakatsugawa and Gozaku

jpg:418.23 KB

Nakatsugawa and Gozaku

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Setoya Ryokan

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate

Farmhouse Inn Mizuki

Tono City

Southern Iwate

Oyone Jizo statue

Oyone Jizo statue

Nishiwaga Town

Southern Iwate

upper bridge 4

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upper bridge 4

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Hometown exchange experience learning facility

Tono City

Southern Iwate

Nagamine Park Refresh Zone

Nagamine Park Refresh Zone

Nishiwaga Town

Southern Iwate

upper bridge 3

jpg:417.47 KB

upper bridge 3

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Kamiya Ryokan

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate