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Shiwa Fruit Park 2 Pizza making

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Shiwa Fruit Park 2 Pizza making

Shiwa Town

Central Iwate

Nishidake Fish Farm Fishing Pond

Nishidake Fish Farm Fishing Pond

Ichinohe Town

Northern Iwate

Shiwa Fruit Park 1 Grape picking

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Shiwa Fruit Park 1 Grape picking

Shiwa Town

Central Iwate

Taneyamagahara Forest Park

Sumita Town


Tsubakikan and Go stones around the world

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Tsubakikan and Go stones around the world

Ofunato City


Murata Folk Crafts Studio

Murata Folk Crafts Studio

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Masenkyo 3

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Masenkyo 3

Ninohe City

Northern Iwate

Sappa Ship Adventures

Sappa Ship Adventures

Tanohata Village


Sugawa Onsen footbath 2

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Sugawa Onsen footbath 2

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate