Matsucchan market

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate

    At the farm direct sales store, we sell freshly grown locally grown vegetables and fruits, as well as flowers. We also have locally grown garlic and homemade miso rice balls. There is also a restaurant on the premises, and the soba and ramen served in a soup made with guinea fowl are popular.

    2-512 Matsuo Yosegi, Hachimantai 028-7302
    Business Hours
    9:00-17:30 (~16:30 from November to April)
    Year-end and New Year holidays (12/31-1/2)
    Route 1: Morioka Station → [90 minutes by bus] bound for Higashi-Hachimantai Kotsu Center Shizenkyo-mura stop → [10 minutes on foot] Matsucchan Market

    Route 2: Matsuo Hachimantai IC → [10 minutes by car] Matsucchan Market
    Matsucchan market
    Phone number 0195-78-3002

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