Hayachine Mountain

Hanamaki City

Southern Iwate

At 1,917 meters above sea level, Mt. Hayachine is the highest peak in the Kitakami Mountains. Huge rocks and boulders are exposed all over the mountain surface, and between them are blooming beautiful alpine plants that have survived the harsh elements. Of the three mountain climbing courses, the most common are the Kawaranobo course and the Odagoe course. Although the slope is steep, even beginners can reach the summit in about 3 hours.

Mt. Hayachine, famous for its alpine plants, has beautiful autumn leaves in the forest zone.The vivid autumn leaves spread out at the base of Mt. Hayachine, which is made up of serpentine rocks, is not only a splendid view from the foot of the mountain, but also at the 5th station. The panoramic view from nearby is spectacular. It was designated as a national park in 1981.

[Mountain Opening] Second Sunday of June every year

[Best time to see autumn leaves] Usually mid-September to late October

*Due to heavy rain on May 26, 2016, a portion of the Kawaranobo mountain trail collapsed and is impassable, so it will be closed for the time being.

*In order to preserve the natural environment of Mt. Hayachine, we ask all climbers to use portable toilets.

For details ⇒ [ Mt. Hayachine related information ]

〒028-3201 Hanamaki City Osako-cho Uchikawame-dake area
Contact name: Hanamaki City Osako General Branch

Phone number: 0198-48-2111

FAX number: 0198-48-2943
Others: Traffic restrictions are in place on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays from the second Sunday in June to the first Sunday in August between Mt. Please refrain from parking on the street within the park.

●Tono City contact information

Tono City Industry Department Tourism Exchange Division


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