Roadside station “Genbikei”

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate

    6km west from Ichinoseki Interchange on the Tohoku Expressway. This facility is located close to Genbikei, a place of scenic beauty and a natural monument, where you can enjoy fresh agricultural products, local products, and local flavors. In addition to directly selling whole ``fresh vegetables'' grown in the area, we also sell locally-produced ``mochi dishes'' and special ``soft-serve ice cream.'' In addition to displaying exhibits centered on Ichinoseki's "mochi culture," the space can be used to provide local information, interact, and take a break. ■Business hours Exchange Center/9:00-18:00 (April-October) 9:00-17:00 (November-March) Museum/9:00-17:00 ■Closed on Urban and Rural Exchange Center/Monthly 3rd Wednesday Museum/Every Monday (the next day if it is a holiday), New Year holidays

    220-1 Okinono, Genbi-cho, Ichinoseki-shi, Iwate 021-0101
    Roadside station “Genbikei”

    FAX number 0191-29-2075

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