Hu Shio Shrine

Hanamaki City

Southern Iwate

It is said to have its origins in the Enryaku era (end of the 8th century) when Sakanoue no Tamuramaro enshrined Yakushi Nyorai when he headed to pacify Ezo. Although it temporarily declined due to a fire during the Tenbun era (half of the 16th century), it was a highly prestigious shrine that was revered from generation to generation during the Nanbu clan period and was given a shrine territory. In 1818, the principal image was changed from Yakushi Nyorai to Shonahiko no Mikoto, the great god of medicine, and it remains to this day.

3-160 Yazawa, Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture 025-0011
Hu Shio Shrine Office
Phone number 0198-31-2768

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