Shiraki Pass

Nishiwaga Town

Southern Iwate

Gobansho (checkpoints) were once located in Nishiwaga Town (formerly Yuda Town) and Yokote City, Akita Prefecture (formerly Yamauchi Village), and the approximately 6km old road between them was called the Shiraki Pass Road. It is also written in old books that Sadato Abe passed away during the post of Go Sannen, and there is a memorial tower for those who lost their lives due to snow damage during the feudal period. It is now a hiking course, and clusters of camellias and skunk cabbage can be seen around the promenade.

Etchuhata, Shirakinoji, Nishiwaga-machi, Waga-gun, Iwate Prefecture
Nishiwaga Town Tourism and Commerce Division
Phone number 0197-82-3290
FAX number 0197-81-1061

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