Namiwaki Shrine, located at the foot of Kitakami Ohashi Bridge, is commonly known as Osuwa-sama, and is a historic shrine that was welcomed by Suwa Taisha in Shinshu. During the annual festival in late July, a portable shrine is paraded through the town. The traditional "Hatotori" is a passionate battle between men. In recent years, this event, which is no longer seen in other towns and villages, attracts spectators from the hometown.
- Venue
- 〒029-0202 Usui Suwa-mae, Kawasaki-cho, Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture
- Hours
- Late July
◎16:00~ Children's portable shrine
◎19:00~ Omikoshi
◎21:00~ Pigeon catching - Inquiries
- Ichinoseki City Kawasaki Branch Industrial Economics Division
Phone number 0191-43-3601
FAX number 0191-43-3650