Freshly picked city

Fresh vegetables, pickles, miso, and more delivered directly from the farm with the smiles of rural mothers. During the apple harvest season, a variety of apples are lined up, each being harvested one after another, starting with Sansa in September. ``Fuji'' in particular has a reputation for having a good balance of sweetness and sourness, and their freshly squeezed apple juice made with a variety of apples is also popular.

275 Yatsunaga, Kanadaichi, Ninohe, Iwate 028-5711
Business hours/Usage hours
Open all year round
Route 1: Ninohe Station → [5 min. by local train] Kanadaichi Onsen Station → [8 min. by cab] Mogitate-shi

Route 2: Ichinohe IC → [15 min. by car] Mogitate-shi
Freshly Harvested Market
Tel: 0195-27-2431

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