Nanbufuji Country Club

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate

3 courses and 27 holes designed by "Sir" Peter Thomson, who has designed famous courses around the world. It is often the stage for big tournaments.

47-34-2 Osara, Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture 028-7111
Business hours/Usage hours
Late March to early December
Open every day during the period
Route 1: Morioka Station → [30 minutes by local train] Koma Station → [15 minutes by cab] Nanbu Fuji Country Club

Route 2: Nishine IC → [10 minutes by car] Nanbu Fuji Country Club
Nanbu Fuji Country Club
Phone number 0195-76-3151
Fax number 0195-76-3617
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