“Kita Iwate Learning Program” Fudai Village Edition

Kuji City

Northern Iwate

“Kita Iwate Learning Program” Fudai Village Edition

Based on the bitter experience of past large earthquakes and tsunamis that caused many victims (in Fudai Village, 302 people died in the 1896 Meiji Sanriku Earthquake and 137 victims in the 1933 Showa Sanriku Earthquake), the village is safe from tsunamis. The construction of a barrier to protect residents was considered, and the Fudai Water Gate was completed in 1984. The construction cost was approximately 3.6 billion yen, and it was carried out as a prefectural project along with the Ota Nabe Embankment, with the village paying about 10% of the total construction cost of approximately 3.6 billion yen. The height of the Fudai Water Gate was criticized at the time of planning as being too high, but the village chief at the time remained adamant, saying, ``If it happens twice, it shouldn't happen a third time.''
*Details such as program content and time are subject to individual consultation.

basic information

Access: Kuji Station

Contact information: Kuji Wide Area Tourism Council (3-38-2 Chuo, Kuji City)

Phone number: 0194-53-5756

FAX: 0194-66-8006

Homepage: http://www.kuji-tourism.jp

Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Construction history of Fudai Water Gate and history of large tsunami (site tour and explanation of efforts) Consultation required All year round Consultation required Consultation required Consultation required
At the time of the great earthquake, the situation of water gate closure etc. and the village’s response status (site tour and explanation of efforts) Consultation required All year round Consultation required Consultation required Consultation required