Sekiguchi Fudoson Stream

Yamada Town


The Sekiguchi River, which flows under Sekiguchi Fudoson, the inner shrine of Sekiguchi Shrine, has its water source in the virgin forest of Yamamomori. Sekiguchi Shrine, commonly known as ``Sekiguchi Fudoson,'' is known for its worship of the god of fire, the deity of which is Fudo Myoo, who is enshrined in Fudogaiwa.The annual festival is held on the first Sunday of July. The clear flow of the river that runs from Okumiya to Satomiya is Sekiguchigawa Stream. Okumiya, which was once a monastery for Shugendo monks, stands in a thick grove of trees, and the red bridge that spans the precincts across the river creates an especially vivid contrast. When you stand among the dazzling fresh greenery and the leaves glistening in the sunlight filtering through the trees, all you can hear is the occasional chirping of wild birds and the sound of quietly flowing water. It was once believed that soaking in this clear stream would cure any illness. Even today, its pure water is the source of life for the many plants and animals that live in the area. One of the Eight Views of Yamada.

Yamada Town, Shimohei District, Iwate Prefecture
Yamada Town Fisheries and Commerce Division
Phone number: 0193-82-3111
FAX number: 0193-82-3201
Route: Shin-Hanamaki Station → [160 minutes by conventional line] Rikuchu Yamada Station → [30 minutes by taxi] Sekiguchi Fudosonkei

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