Homespun Michinoku Akanekai

Morioka City

Central Iwate

You can see the homespun process, which is all done by hand, from dyeing to weaving, and a series of panels introduce the manufacturing process. Homespun, which was popularized in Iwate by British missionaries at the beginning of the Meiji period, is a woolen fabric made from dyed wool and woven from hand-spun thread. While mass production is often done by machines, Michinoku Akane-kai is particular about creating original handmade products, in which each warp and weft of spun wool is woven by hand.

10-34 Daijijicho, Morioka 020-0015
Business Hours
Tour/reception hours 9:30-17:00 (12:00-13:00 lunch break)
Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, Obon holidays, year-end and New Year holidays
Michinoku Akane Association
Phone number 019-622-2648
FAX number 019-622-2648
*Relocated from Nasukawa-cho, Morioka City from June 21, 2020

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