Lead Onsen Ski Resort

Hanamaki City

Southern Iwate

This ski resort is located next to the lead hot springs in Hanamaki Minami Onsen Gorge, and has two pair lifts that can be enjoyed by everyone from beginners to advanced skiers. In addition, the weather conditions are good and the lift operation rate is 100%. After skiing, you can relax and enjoy the hot springs.

36-1 Nakahira, Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, 025-0252
Business Hours
Late December to early March (planned)
Route 1: Shin-Hanamaki Station → [48 minutes by bus] Ski resort-mae bus stop → [3 minutes on foot] Namida Onsen Ski Resort

Route 2: Hanamaki Minami IC → [20 minutes by car] Namida Onsen Ski Resort
Lead Onsen Ski Resort 0198-25-2711
[For inquiries outside the season] Hanamaki City Sports Promotion Division TEL.0198-24-2111
Free parking for 760 cars

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