Handmade soba, sausage, tart, and stone oven pizza making experience

Shiwa Town

Central Iwate

Handmade soba, sausage, tart, and stone oven pizza making experience

Shiwa Fruit Park is full of nature and has an experience farm, an experience workshop, and a winery. At the experience workshop, you can try your hand at making handmade soba noodles, sausages, tarts, and stone oven pizza made with local ingredients.
*Please call to confirm reservation details.

basic information

Access: 15 minutes by car from JR Shiwa Chuo Station

Contact: Shiwa Fruit Park Co., Ltd. (1-11 Matsubara, Toyama, Shiwa Town)

Phone number: 019-676-5301


Homepage: http://www.shiwa-fruitspark.co.jp/

Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Handmade soba, sausage, tart, and stone oven pizza making experience Handmade soba, sausage, tart, and stone oven pizza making experience All year round Minimum 3 people – maximum 30 people 90 minutes to 3 hours (varies depending on menu and number of people) Each program costs 1,760 yen for adults and 1,210 yen for children (prices may change depending on the number of people and amount of food. Please make inquiries and reservations at least 7 days in advance.)
Learning effect: You can learn the joy of traditional handmade cooking by using safe and secure ingredients, the joy of making it with friends, and the joy of eating it.
Message to the teacher…You can experience making things in a lush green landscape.