Pine cone craft

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate

Pine cone craft

learning effect
By creating works of your choice using real nuts, you will become more interested in plants and nature, and your imagination will be enriched.

message to teacher
Nature experiences can also be enjoyed indoors. It is also attractive that the maker (nut) remains on hand and can be taken home.

basic information

Access: 20 minutes by car from Matsuo Hachimantai IC

Contact information: Iwate Prefecture Citizen’s Forest Forest Fureai Learning Center Forest Eye (1-515-5 Matsuo Yosegi, Hachimantai City)

Phone number: 0195-78-2092



Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Pine cone craft Create works of art by gluing nuts and other items collected in the park onto tree branches using a glue gun. The result is an original piece of work that is unique. At the same time, children develop an interest in forests. All year round (excluding Tuesdays and year-end and New Year holidays) 50 people 60 minutes Prices vary from 300 yen to 800 yen (per piece) depending on what you make.