Flour becomes bread: Stone oven pizza experience

Tono City

Southern Iwate

Flour becomes bread: Stone oven pizza experience

Experience one of the seven transformations of flour: becoming bread.

learning effect
Make bread while breathing in plenty of natural air! Pizza baked in a stone oven is perfect for home economics, social studies, cooking, and authenticity!

message to teacher
Even if you are surrounded by an abundant natural environment, you cannot experience the true blessings of nature unless you pay close attention to it. At our facility, you will face nature head-on and experience its deep bosom. Perfect for forest school!

basic information

Access: 3 minutes by car from Miyamori IC, 15 minutes walk from JR Kashiwagi-daira Station

Contact: Kashiwagidaira Lake Resort Co., Ltd. (28-125 Shimomasawa, Miyamori-cho, Tono City)

Phone number: 0198-66-2139


Experience menu

Experience menu Content period Number of people Time required Fee
Flour becomes bread: Stone oven pizza experience Stone oven pizza experience April to November (reservation required) 20 people 2-3 hours 2,200 yen per person