Iwate Town Autumn Festival

Iwate Town

Central Iwate

2024/10/1st Friday to 2024/10/1st Sunday

The Numamiyauchi Inari Shrine annual festival is held over three days in early October every year to celebrate the year's bountiful harvest, and floats decorated with dolls and artificial flowers are paraded through the town. It is commonly known as the ``Numaminai Festival,'' and the Koma Odori, Shishi Odori, Nanatsu Odori, and Kitakami River Seiryu Taiko drums also participate to liven up the festival. The joint parade of Chinese and Japanese floats and local performing arts is worth seeing.

028-4301 Numamiyachi, Iwate-cho, Iwate-gun
2024/10/1st Friday to 2024/10/1st Sunday
*First Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of October every year

Iwate Town Autumn Festival Executive Committee (Iwate Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Phone number 0195-62-2760 Fax number 0195-62-4844

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