Takuboku class

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Early September 2024

In 1901, Takuboku took up the teaching position as a substitute teacher at Shibumin Elementary School, hoping to breathe his heart's breath deep into the hearts of the children of the late Yama. The ``Takuboku Class'' held at the school building aims to deepen understanding of Takuboku literature while interacting with the nature and people of Tamayama Village, the hometown of Takuboku.

Shibumin Community Center 2nd floor large conference room (55 Shibumin Tsuruzuka, Morioka City)
Early September 2024
Ishikawa Takuboku Memorial Museum
Phone number 019-683-2315
FAX number 019-683-3119
*In 2020, the event will be held at the Shibumin Community Center as the Ishikawa Takuboku Memorial Hall, which is the usual venue, is undergoing renovation work.
13:30-16:00 (Reception at 13:15)
*Advance application required. Capacity: 50 people (in case there are too many applicants, lottery will be held)

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