Local cuisine (acorn dishes, etc.)

Acorns have been eaten since the Jomon period. "Donguri Ramen" is made by removing the lye from acorn flour produced in the town and mixing it with the ingredients for Chinese noodles, and is characterized by its firmness and smooth texture. Hitsumi and tofu dengaku are also available.

90-1 Otomo, Iwaizumi-cho, Shimohei-gun, 027-0502
Business Hours
Summer 11:00-17:00 (last order)
Winter season 11:00-16:00 (last order)
Year-end and New Year holidays and other temporary closures
Route 1: Morioka Station → [150 minutes by bus] Roadside Station Iwaizumi-mae bus stop → [1 minute walk] Local cuisine (acorn dishes, etc.)

Route 2: Morioka Minami IC → [110 minutes by car] Local cuisine (acorn dishes, etc.)
Restaurant Iwaizumi
Phone number 0194-22-4432
FAX number 0194-22-3135
Admission fee None

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