Recreation facility Kikyoso [Azumane Onsen]

Shiwa Town

Central Iwate

Azumane Onsen is a simple alkaline hot spring that is popular as a beauty hot spring because it leaves your skin smooth when you bathe in it. It is said that the water does not cool down for 3 hours.
Kikyoso is a quiet resort facility where you can cook your own meals. You can also stay overnight.

96 Uchimatsumoto, Shiwa-cho, Shiwa-gun, Iwate 028-3443
Day-trip Bathing Available
2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month
Number of Guest Rooms
Route 1: Morioka Station → [22 minutes by conventional line] Hizume Station → [17 minutes by bus] Azumane Onsen Recreation Facility Kikyosou

Route 2: Shiwa IC → [6 minutes by car] Azumane hot spring resort facility Kikyosou
Azumane hot spring resort facility Kikyoso
Phone number: 019-673-7670
FAX number: 019-673-7671
[Day trip bath] 500 yen for adults, 200 yen for elementary school students
[Business hours] 10:00-21:00

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