Lacquerware Appi lacquerware

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate

Hachimantai City has long been known as one of the leading producers of lacquerware in the Tohoku region. Appi lacquerware was born by combining Hachimantai's long-cultivated traditional techniques with young sensibilities. It is characterized by a luxurious ``lacquer base'' that is coated with lacquer over ten times.

230-1, Hamada, Hachimantai, Iwate 028-7533
Route 1: Morioka Station → [75 min. by local train] Arayashinmachi Station → [10 min. walk] Lacquerware Abei Nuri

Route 2: Yashiro IC → [5 min. by car] Lacquerware Abei Nuri
Abei Lacquer Ware Studio
Tel: 0195-63-1065

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