Iwate Prefectural Kenkoku Youth House

A recreation and training facility located in a forest rich in nature. There is also a campsite on the premises, with tent sites equipped with cooking facilities, toilets, fire circles, AC power, and other facilities. A skating rink is also available during the winter.

61-35 Nizahirahakumori, Ninohe City, Iwate 028-6106, Japan
Business hours/Usage hours
Early May to late September (campground) November to March (skating rink)
*Confirmation of opening times and hours required.
Campsite fee: 360 yen per tent per night for adults / 180 yen per tent for high school students, students and working youth (under 25 years old)
Skating: New fee will be applied from 2023. →General 670 yen, 490 yen for high school and college students, 180 yen for elementary and junior high school students, and free for children under elementary school age
Route 1: Ninohe Station → [40 min. by bus] Kenpoku Youth House bus stop → [1 min. walk] Iwate Kenpoku Youth House

Route 2: Ichinohe IC → [30 min. by car] Iwate Kenpoku Youth House
*In 2023, tent accommodation will be reduced to half of the capacity (4 to 5 people).
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