A campsite located within Kitakami Sports Park. It's convenient because it's in the middle of town and there's a convenience store nearby.
- residence/location
- Takamaedan, Aisari-cho, Kitakami-shi, Iwate 024-0051
- Business hours/Usage hours
- Available 24 hours
- Closed
- none
- Price
- free
- Inquiries
- Kitakami City Urban Planning Division, Parks and Greenspace Section
Phone: 0197-72-8279 - Other
- *No application is required to use the campsite. Please use it in a manner that does not disturb others. Fires are not allowed on the lawn. Additionally, we do not lend out equipment, so please prepare your own. (Permits are required for events, gatherings, etc., so please contact the City Planning Division.)