Kitakami Strawberry Farm

Elevated cultivation allows you to enjoy strawberry picking while standing. Some areas are wheelchair accessible. There are four varieties that you can enjoy strawberry picking. Taste and compare the differences in each flavor! There is also a rest area where you can relax. We also sell freshly picked strawberries.

2-70 Machubun, Kitakami City, Iwate Prefecture 024-0082
Business hours/Usage hours
Swapping will be required. (Any time between 10:00 and 14:00)
*Reception opens 15 minutes before the reserved time.
The park may be closed every Monday depending on the situation of other strawberries. (Please contact us in advance)
Please check the Kitakami Strawberry Farm website.
Kitakami Strawberry Orchard
Phone: 000-0000-0000
Varieties: "Benihoppe", "Yotsuboshi", "Oi C Berry", "Shohime"

*Strawberry picking for 2024 is scheduled from Thursday, February 1.
Click here for a list of strawberry picking facilities.

*Reservations required. (Reservations can be made by phone from 7:00 a.m. the day before.) Please visit the Kitakami Strawberry Orchard website and contact us.
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