Kawajiri Onsen Hottoyuda

Nishiwaga Town

Southern Iwate

Yuda Onsenkyo is blessed with abundant hot spring resources and beautiful natural scenery. As the gateway to the area, there is a station building with a hot spring called ``Hotto Yuda.'' This facility, which is rare even in Japan, is a rustic building that makes use of the elegance of wood.The clock tower on the tongari roof and the town bird ``Yamadori'' are modeled on it. The decoration is unique. The large public bath includes a bubble bath, a sleeping bath, a private bath, and a rest room.

Hot spring facilities and services
Day-trip Bathing Available
53, Kawajiri 40, Nishiwaga-cho, Waga-gun, Iwate 029-5512
Business hours/Usage hours
Second Wednesday of every month (or the following day if it is a national holiday)
(subject to change)
Route 1: Kitakami Station → [40 min. by local train] Hot Yuda Station → [1 min. walk] Kawajiri Hot Spring Hot Yuda

Route 2: Yuda IC → [5 min. by car] Kawajiri Hot Spring Hot Yuda
Hot Yuda
Phone number 0197-82-2911
Adults 300 yen, elementary and junior high school students 120 yen
Rest room open free of charge

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