Atagoyama Nature Park

Oshu City

Southern Iwate

There are many plants that are rare due to their distribution, and the Ite River flows through the area. There is the site of Numajiri Castle, and at the top of the mountain there is Atago Shrine, built by Sakanoue Tamuramaro.
Take the Esashi Municipal Bus Ide-Kojitani-Kuchizawa Line (via Kami-Ide) to Fujisato bus stop, get off at the JR Tohoku Shinkansen Mizusawa-Esashi Station, then transfer to the Iwate Prefectural Transportation Esashi Bus bound for Fujiwara-no-sato and get off at the Esashi Bus Center bus stop.

〒023-1172 Fujisato Ishinada, Esashi Ward, Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture
Contact name: Oshu City Tourism and Products Association Esashi Branch
Phone number: 0197-35-2111
FAX number: 0197-35-3476

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