goishi coast

Ofunato City


The Goishi Coast stretches for approximately 6km at the tip of the Suesaki Peninsula, which juts out to the south of Ofunato Bay, and has been designated as a national scenic spot and natural monument. In addition, Goishi Beach has been designated as one of the top 100 beaches in Japan with white sand and green pine trees. Furthermore, the sound emitted from the Thunder Rocks within it has been designated as one of Japan's ``100 Best Soundscapes of Japan to Preserve.'' The climate is warm, and the pine forest is full of blooming hyacinths, Japanese lilies, and daisies. There are also facilities in the surrounding area, such as the City Museum, the World Camellia Museum, Go Stone, and a campground.

〒022-0001 Ohama, Suesakicho, Ofunato City
(One company) Ofunato City Tourism and Products Association

FAX number 0192-47-3416
Goishikaigan Information Center TEL: 0192-29-2359

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