Ofunato City Museum

Ofunato City


Ofunato City is a treasure trove of geological materials, including the Silurian strata of the Paleozoic era, which is said to be the "foundation stone of Japan." In addition to learning about Ofunato's sea and nature in the theater, the geology exhibition room, archeology and folklore exhibition room, etc. introduce the current state of Ofunato.

221-86 Ohama, Suesaki-cho, Ofunato-shi, 022-0001
Business Hours
9:00-16:30 (Admission until 16:00)
Mondays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, document sorting days
300 yen for adults, free for high school students and under
(Adult 250 yen for groups of 20 or more people)
Ofunato City Museum
Phone number 0192-29-2161
FAX number 0192-29-2162

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