- Contact
- 5-9-27 Mitwari, Morioka City 020-0011
- How to Apply
- Reservation required at least 3 days in advance
TEL: 080-6046-9711
E-mail: moriokagwg@gmail.com - Number of Guides
- 10 men, 10 women (20 total)
- Activity Period and Hours
- Daytime: After consultation according to your wishes
- Holidays
- Same as above
- Guided Areas and Characteristics
- Around Morioka City, Hiraizumi, Miyako, Kamaishi, Kakunodate (Akita)
- Guide Method
- Accompanying (according to customer's request)
- Guide Fee
- Meal expenses, car expenses
- Remarks
- ・Languages to be used are English and Chinese (Please make an appointment about 2 weeks in advance.) ・The actual number of members is about 50, but due to time constraints, the number of people available at all times is limited to the number listed above. ・For the sake of certainty, please contact us by email if possible.
Morioka Goodwill Guide Association (Morioka SGG) *
Morioka City
Central Iwate