Inase Town Historical Heritage Guide Volunteer Association*

Kitakami City

Southern Iwate

Inase Town Historical Heritage Guide Volunteer Association*
276 Maeda, Inase-cho, Kitakami-shi, 024-0041 Inase District Exchange Center
How to Apply
TEL: 0197-65-2441
FAX: 0197-65-2441
Number of Guides
6 men, 3 women (9 total)
Activity Period and Hours
Year-round 9:00-17:00
As a general rule, Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays will be held, but we are open to discussion.
Guided Areas and Characteristics
In Inase-cho, Kitakami City. There are historic sites designated by the country, prefecture, and city throughout the town.
Guide Method
lead by car
Guide Fee