Tottori Haruyo Birthplace

Miyako City


The birthplace of Haruyo Tottori (real name Kanichi), an enka performer and composer from the Taisho and early Showa eras, who was born in Kariya, the former Shinsato village in 1899, and died at the young age of 31, still exists. Haruyo Tottori moved to Tokyo at the age of 14 and began composing music at the age of 17, and his ``Caged Bird'', which he composed in 1923, became an unprecedented hit. She became Japan's first singer exclusively for a record company.

74 Kariya 9th, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture 028-2104
Miyako City Lifelong Learning Center
Phone number 0193-72-2019
FAX number 0193-72-3600

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