Jodogahama Rest House

Miyako City


The company was severely damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and had to close, but has since resumed operations. There is a souvenir shop stocked with Miyako specialties, and a restaurant with glass windows overlooking Jodogahama Beach called Hamadokoro Umineko-tei. There are also changing rooms and showers, so it can also be used as a base for swimming or trekking.

32 Hitachihamacho, Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture 027-0001
Business Hours
Opening hours/8:30-17:00 Restaurant/Weekdays 10:30-14:00, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10:30-14:30
*The restaurant is open on weekdays in winter by reservation only.
Open all year round
Jodogahama Rest House
Phone number 0193-62-1179
FAX number 0193-62-4044

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