Taimagura Bungalow Village

Miyako City


You can enjoy nature to the fullest in the heart of the quasi-national park Hayachine Mountain. With the cool breeze blowing through the trees, it is ideal for families and groups to relax, as well as for training camps and training.

Address: 77, Etsunagi 6, Miyako City, 028-2421
Business Hours
May to November
Bungalow 1,130 yen~
Kevin 1,830 yen~
(Usage fees vary depending on the number of people.)
Phone number: 0193-78-2769
[Access] Route 1: Morioka Station → [120 minutes by taxi] Taimagura Bungalow Village
Route 2: Morioka Minami IC → [120 minutes by car] Taimagura Bungalow Village

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