Iwado Lake Festival

Morioka City

Central Iwate

[Date] Mid-September every year 10:00-15:00

Iwado Lake is surrounded by gentle mountains, where white birch trees grow in clusters, and the clear water reflects the surrounding scenery. Its rich nature, which shows a Scandinavian-style landscape in all seasons, makes it hard to believe that it is an artificial lake, making it perfect for outdoor activities such as picnicking, fishing, and camping. The Lake Iwado Festival is held once a year at this lake, and various events are held, including a parent-child mountain stream fishing competition, a log cutting competition, Kagura performances, and Tankaku beef tastings.

33-4 Kamebashi, Yabukawa, Morioka City Lake Iwado Family Travel Village Festival Square
[Date] Mid-September every year 10:00-15:00
Iwado Lake Festival Executive Committee Secretariat
Phone number 019-683-3852
FAX number 019-683-1130

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