Rikuzentakata scallop and seaweed grilled shabu-shabu gozen (hotawaka gozen)

Rikuzentakata City


Iwate Prefecture's first new OMOTENASHI local gourmet was born to help with recovery from the earthquake and revitalize the region through food. (nickname "Hotawaka Gozen")
A hospitality meal that uses three ingredients that Rikuzentakata City is proud of: live scallops from Hirota Bay, wakame seaweed, and Takata no Yume branded rice.
The tray is made of beautiful-grained Kesen cedar produced in the Kesen area.

1 Shimowano, Takada-cho, Rikuzentakata-shi, Iwate 029-2292
Rikuzentakata Scallop and Seaweed Cuisine Promotion Council (Rikuzentakata City Hall Tourism Exchange Division)
Phone number 0192-54-2111
[A restaurant where you can eat hotawaka gozen]
*Advance reservation required
Cafe Food Bar Waiwai
Capital Hotel 1000
Hotel Sanyo
SAKE'S BAR Rikumaru
*There may be times when we are unable to provide scallops, such as when there are restrictions on the shipment of scallops. Please check in advance.

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