Farmhouse Restaurant Yumeru Otome no Yakata

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate

A farm restaurant that serves rice cake dishes. The restaurant is located in a 200-year-old mansion and is visited by many people from all over the country as a farm restaurant where you can experience rural culture. The dishes are also impressive, such as those from the Meiji era.

39 Aza Kamikashiwagi, Yushima, Hanaizumicho, Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-3207, Japan
Business hours/Usage hours
No holidays
Route 1: Ichinoseki Station → [20 min. by local train] Yushima Station → [5 min. by cab] Farmhouse Restaurant Otome

Route 2: Wakayanagi Kinnari IC → [15 min. by car] Farmhouse Restaurant Otome
Yumemiru Rouho-no-Kan
Phone number 0191-82-2722
Reservations must be made at least one week in advance (10 or more people).
*We also offer delivery mochi pounding (mochi pounding on the road). Please contact us for details.
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