Astro Roman Daito

Ichinoseki City

Southern Iwate

Astro Roman Daito is a forest recreation facility that takes advantage of nature. The area has seven types of MTB trails ranging from beginners to experts, as well as 21-point field athletics, a roller slide (101m), an orienteering course, and a woodworking workshop.

51-137 Aza Yamaguchi, Ohara, Daito-cho, Ichinoseki, Iwate 029-0711
Business hours/Usage hours
Period of use] April 1 - November 30
9:00 - 17:00
Closed/Every Tuesday
Route 1: Ichinoseki Station → [44 minutes by local train] Shirisawa Station → [20 minutes by bus] Daito-cho Bus, Ohara Line, Kamiuchino Line Bus Center bus stop → [15 minutes by cab] Astro Roman Daito

Route 2: Ichinoseki IC → [65 minutes by car] Astro Roman Daito
Murone General Development Corporation
Phone: 0191-72-2860
Fax: 0191-72-2860
Reservation required
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