Fudo Falls

Hachimantai City

Central Iwate

The famous three-tiered waterfall, Fudo Falls, is counted as one of Japan's top 100 waterfalls, and has also been certified as one of Iwate's 20 best waters. The sight of the 15m high waterfall cascading vertically, shaking the quiet air around it, is a sight to behold. This Fudo Falls is said to have been a dojo for ascetics, and the quiet area of ​​the forest still has that atmosphere, and a stone carving of Fudo Myoo is enshrined in the middle of the waterfall.

Takahata, Hachimantai City, Iwate Prefecture 028-7542
(One company) Hachimantai City Tourism Association
Phone number 0195-78-3500
FAX number 0195-78-3838
Route 1: Morioka Station → [74 minutes by conventional line] Araya-Shinmachi Station → [15 minutes by taxi] Fudo Falls

Route 2: Ashiro IC → [15 minutes by car] Fudo Falls

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