
Goronuma, located to the south of the ruins of Hizumekan, which was built by Toshihira Hizume, the grandson of Kiyohira, the first generation of the Fujiwara clan in Hiraizumi, entertains visitors with cherry blossoms in the spring and swans in the winter.
In July, the ancient lotus (Chusonji lotus), which was revived from seeds found in Yasuhiro's head bucket at Chusonji, blooms beautifully in the lotus pond next to the parking lot.
On the east bank, there is a stone monument called the Night Cry Stone, which is said to have the sound of the cries of a woman who was turned into a human pillar to stop the repeated collapse of the swamp embankment.

〒028-3317 Shiwa-cho Minami Nichizume Hako Shimizu
(One company) Shiwa Town Tourism Exchange Association
Phone number 019-676-4477
FAX number 019-676-4422
[Summer] Lotus mid-July to late July
[Winter period] Swans fly in

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