Shiwa Rose Garden

Shiwa Town

Central Iwate

A 3-minute drive from Roadside Station Shiwa, this rose garden is located on a hill overlooking the majestic Mt. Iwate to the north and the vineyards and countryside of the Akazawa area to the south.
We have planted over 1,500 fragrant roses of about 610 species, which are rare even in Japan.
The rose festival, which is held twice a year (early June to mid-July and early September to late October), is visited by many people from inside and outside the prefecture every day.
Enjoy an elegant moment surrounded by the scent of roses in a special space with an exotic atmosphere reminiscent of southern France.

Spring/Summer Rose Festival: Early June to mid-July

Autumn Rose Festival: Early September to late October

72-2 Zenzeno, Kusakari, Shiwa-cho, 028-3325
Business Hours
Open every day during the rose festival period
500 yen for high school students and above, 300 yen for middle school students, free for elementary school students and below
Group (10 or more adults) 300 yen
Parking lot: 50 or more cars
*A temporary parking lot will be set up next door during the Rose Festival.
*If you are coming in a medium-sized bus or larger, please contact us in advance.
Others: We hold seminars on how to grow and prune roses from time to time.

Information is being disseminated on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and HP.
Search for "Shinami Rose Garden"

Shop selling rose seedlings, fertilizer, etc.

[Summer] Roses: early June to mid-July
[Autumn] Roses Early September to late October

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