Nagai’s Dainenbutsu sword dance

Morioka City

Central Iwate

Nagai's Dai-Nenbutsu Kembu, which has been passed down in the Nagai district of Morioka City for about 220 years, is a type of ``Kuyo-Nenbutsu'' to commemorate one's ancestors, and is performed by wearing an ``Ogasa'' with a pagoda placed in the center of a large circular platform on their head. It is characterized by ``Kasaburi,'' which is a dance performed by shaking it loudly.
In 1981, it was designated as a nationally designated important intangible folk cultural property.

Furyu-odori, including Nagai's Dainenbutsu Kembu, was registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. (2022.11.30) → [ Morioka City Homepage ]

Nagai, Morioka City
Morioka City Board of Education History and Culture Division 019-639-9067
[Photo provided by Morioka City Board of Education]

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