16 Arhats

Morioka City

Central Iwate

    The 21 stone statues that remain on the grounds of Souryuji Temple were built to commemorate the victims of the famine that occurred during the Nanbu domain era. It was started in 1837 and completed in 1849, thirteen years later. It took over half a year just to transport the rock from the neighboring town of Yahaba, where it was cut, to this location. In addition, the statues were carved by craftsmen employed by the domain, and stone statues made by local stonemasons are rare in Japan.

    2-1 Chabatake, Morioka City, Iwate Prefecture, 020-0822
    Morioka Tourism and Convention Association
    Phone number 019-604-3305
    FAX number 019-653-4417

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